You can make more impact AND more income. Even as an anticapitalist.

Lauren Kay Roberts
3 min readAug 8, 2022

Pre-S: Money Mindset for Anticapitalists, my pop-up TAKE UP SPACE workshop, is available now.

Hey friend,

Are you curious why I care so much about your money mindset?

The Money Mindset for Anticapitalists workshop is very intentionally a pop-up of my TAKE UP SPACE course + community and not some random, one-off thing.

Because I know that when I neglect my money mindset, I make choices that aren’t aligned with my anticapitalist values.

I stop taking up space. I stop trusting myself.

And the resulting impact that I make on my loved ones, community, and the planet is not what I desire.

Without intentionally unearthing old money stories from our family and culture (“Money is the root of all evil,” and “You have to work hard to deserve money,”), they start unconsciously influencing our day-to-day decisions.

That’s how capitalism and dominant culture function:

Without an intentional, sustained effort to unlearn old conditioning and socialization, our default operating system becomes the one that’s been shaping us for our whole lives.

Here’s an example:

Let’s say that I’ve had an unexpected expense in the middle of the month, like a big car repair. With two weeks until rent’s due, I panic and spiral on thoughts like these:

“I’m bad with money. I should have been saving more. What’s wrong with me?”

“I don’t have any invoices coming in until next month. I’m fucked.”

“What nonessential expenses can I cut right away?”

The spiral leads to choices that aren’t aligned with my anticapitalist values:

😔 I skip the mutual aid donation that I make every month and cancel my local news subscription.
😔 I don’t sign up for the workshop my friend is hosting, even though I was excited about it.
😔 I discount my work to get more clients, but feel undervalued.

Nowadays, I know how to stop the spiral, and I’m getting better at preventing it altogether.

Instead of panicking, I know to take some deep breaths and slow down.

👉 I remind myself that I’m living in a system that was not designed to take care of us. I’m not inherently “bad with money.” Rather, I wasn’t given the tools to feel confident earning and managing it as someone socialized female.
👉 I trust that I have what it takes to figure this out. I can ask for help, too.
👉 I take action, opening my handy spreadsheet of income ideas that I add to on a regular basis. I start making moves because action is an antidote to despair!

Whether you’re an entrepreneur like me or get a paycheck from work every two weeks, I’d bet that you recognize part of yourself in the example I shared.

We’re all indoctrinated into the death cult of capitalism, after all.

🤦‍♀️ We carry common stories without even realizing, from ones about our worthiness to make money — good money — and our ability to navigate tough situations.
🤦‍♀️ We believe that we can either be good people or make good money, and that we are more or less deserving of it depending on our identities.
🤦‍♀️ We worry about bills every month, yet we aren’t sure what to do to boost our income…or even begin to problem-solve. We assume we’ll have to work harder, but everyone’s already burnt out.

If you want to reset the money beliefs that are in the way of making the impact and income you’re here for, check out Money Mindset for Anticapitalists.

It’s where I guide you through this work of building a healthier money mindset AND growing your income, helping you set yourself up for success — whatever that means to you.

Lauren (she/her)



Lauren Kay Roberts

Anticapitalist, trauma-certified coach + writer helping community change agents undo messy family stuff + internalized oppression |