Introducing: It’s Not You, It’s the System (my new podcast)!

Lauren Kay Roberts
3 min readOct 20, 2022

This podcast started as a seed of an idea many years ago. Like, around the time I learned what a podcast even is.

And I’m so glad it’s finally out in the world.

It’s Not You, It’s the System is what has emerged from all of my experiences and the connections I’ve discovered between them — and how that discovery process finally woke me up to what was actually going on during times when I believed that there was something broken or defective about me.

This podcast is my scrappy, imperfect attempt at relaying what I’ve learned in hopes that it saves you the wasted time and energy of the self-blame and shame cycle.

Because you are not a problem to be solved or an “issue” to be “healed.” You are responding to and surviving within systems that were designed to fuck us up.

I’m talking about toxic systems like

white supremacy culture
family patterns
rape culture
generational trauma

and many more that play out in our relationships, our workplaces, the economy, the government, and even our bodies.

And while it’s true that one asshole person can create a lot of harm (trust me, I’ve been that asshole), the systems are the root of what we struggle with and act out each day.

The systems set us up.

The systems are working exactly as they were designed: to maintain the status quo.

To keep the majority of us exhausted, busy, and unwell in service of keeping power concentrated in the hands of the few so they can keep exploiting the many.

As someone who’s worked everywhere from the halls of Congress to yoga studios to problematic nonprofits, yet somehow managed to learn about family systems, trauma, and recovery along the way, it’s obvious to me that this is what’s going on.

Again, it’s a fucking set-up.

And we can take our power back when we recognize this, channel our energy into dismantling the actual problem, and make moves towards the systems we want.

Remember: you are NOT flawed, defective, or broken, my friend.

Yes, you can totally take action to grow, cause less harm, and show up with more integrity…but please stop trying to “fix” or “improve” yourself, okay?

Let’s get your messy family stuff and internalized oppression out of your way so that you can make the impact you’re here for!


Lauren (she/her)

P.S. Don’t forget that Boundaries for the Empathic, Neurodivergent, & Anxiously Attached is around the corner! All the info is here. (And yes, it’ll be recorded if you’re not free on 10/30 and 11/6.)

P.P.S. ALL THE F*CK IN is still around! Tristan and I have slowed down production, and we’re excited to share some new episodes very soon.

P.P.P.S. My brilliant friend Raudhah helped me make the graphic for It’s Not You, It’s the System. Check out her work here!



Lauren Kay Roberts

Anticapitalist, trauma-certified coach + writer helping community change agents undo messy family stuff + internalized oppression |